Note :- Please Click on respective Criterion to activate or deactivate content

This is PART A
Sr.No File link for download
2.2 (Category Wise Admission Summary 2020-21)
  1. Category Wise Admission Summary 2020-21

This is Annual Report
Sr.No File link for download
Annual Report 2020-21
  1. Annual Report 2020-21

This is Criterion I
Criterion Number File link for download
1.2.1 (CBCS Syllabus of all class)
  1. CBCS Syllabus of all class

1.3.3 (BBA-III and M.Com-II Student Project List with Certificate)
  1. BBA-III and M.Com-II Student Project List with Certificate

1.4.1(Feedback of all classes)
  1. Students Feedback of all classes

This is Criterion II
Criterion Number File link for download
2.2.1 (Advanced Learners)
  1. Advanced Learners

2.3.1 (Students Centric Method)
  1. Students Centric Method


This is Criterion III
Criterion Number File link for download
3.2.2 (Seminars on Research and Entrepreneurship - 2017-18 Seminars on RM and Entrepreneurship)
  1. 2017-18 (Lecture on Research Methodology)

  2. 2017-18 (Lecture on Entrepreneurship I)

  3. 2017-18 (Lecture on Entrepreneurship II)

3.2.2 (Seminars on Research and Entrepreneurship - 2018-19 Seminars on RM and Entrepreneurship)
  1. 2018-19 (Lecture on Research Methodology I)

  2. 2018-19 (Lecture on Research Methodology II)

  3. 2018-19 (Lecture on Research Methodology III)

  4. 2018-19 (Lecture on Entrepreneurship I)

  5. 2018-19 (Lecture on Entrepreneurship II)

3.2.2 (Seminars on Research and Entrepreneurship - 2019-20 Seminars on RM and Entrepreneurship)
  1. 2019-20 (Lecture on Entrepreneurship I)

  2. 2019-20 (Lecture on Entrepreneurship II)

  3. 2019-20 (Lecture on Entrepreneurship III)

  4. 2019-20 (Lecture on Research Methodology I)

  5. 2019-20 Lecture on Corporate Day)

3.2.2 (Seminars on Research and Entrepreneurship - 2020-21 Seminars on RM and Entrepreneurship)
  1. 2020-21 (Lecture on Research Methodology )

This is Criterion IV
Criterion Number File link for download
4.1.3 (Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc. )
  1. ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.

This is Criterion V

Criterion Number File link for download
5.1.1 (Scholarship and Freeship Provided by Goverment)
  1. 2016-17 Scholarship provided by Govt

  2. 2017-18 Scholarship Provided by Govt

  3. 2018-19 Scholarship provided by Govt

  4. 2019-20 Scholarship provided by Govt

  5. 2020-21 Scholarship provided by Govt

  6. 2020-21 Shivaji University Scholarship

5.1.2 (Scholarship Provided by the Institution and Non Govt Agencies)
  1. 2016-17 Endowment or provided by the Institution

  2. 2017-18 Endowment endowment or provided by the Institution

  3. 2018-19 Endowment endowment or provided by the Institution

  4. 2019-20 Endowment or provided by the Institution

5.1.3 (Capacity Building and Skills)
  1. Yoga Report 2020-21

  2. WALK A THON 2020-21 (Career Counseling Offered by the Institution)
  1. Webinar on CS

  2. Opportunities in Banking

  3. Career in Competitive Exams

  4. Capital Market Awareness

  5. Opportunities in Travel and Tourism

  6. Career in Banking Insurance

  7. Digital Marketing

  8. Bajaj Finserv

This is Criterion VI

Criterion Number File link for download
6.2.2 (College Organogram)
  1. College Organogram

This is Crieterion VII
Criterion Number File link for download
7.1.9 (Sensitization Activities)
  1. Sensitization Activities